Sunday, February 1, 2009

Update (February 1st 2009)

Hey everyone!

Thanks for all your support over the past couple of days.

Life has really been gaining momentum recently with all kinds of opportunities and events popping up. After several discussions with God and my family, I've decided to postpone my trip. This is a really hard thing for me to do, but I decided it would be much wiser for me to stay in the states for my Junior year. That way I will be able to get a job to raise funds and continue studying my Japanese so that by the time I graduate next spring, I'll be fully prepared to go and serve. This year will also be a great year for me to grow spiritually.
Although I had my heart set on going to Japan this year, I believe my choice will be for the better.

I will still be updating my blog, since there will be plenty of stuff to write about this next year, and I will need your prayers more than ever.

Please be praying that:

  • God will give us more time to reach the lost nations of the world. 50% of mankind still hasn't heard of Jesus Christ.
  • My mind will be able to easily learn and retain all of the stuff I'm studying
  • I will have the strength and courage to let everything go, and give myself entirely for the work of Jesus
  • Japan will be sheltered from false teachers and liars and that their minds will be open to the good news
  • I will have the wisdom and ability to hear God's call in what I must do
  • If it is God's bidding, I will be able to go to Japan next year for a few months
  • I will continually put my trust in God
  • I will be able to get a good job
  • I will be able to make enough funds to go next year
Thanks for everything, and I'll keep you posted!



joshthecollegekid said...

Nice pic... No offense, but i, for one, am glad you are staying longer. I would miss looking at your guitar too much...

Trevor Barton said...

Haha, thanks bro. Now I feel a little better about it.