Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mission Japan Has a New Home and a New Title!

Hey everyone, I've renamed my blog and changed it's address due to some changes that are about to take place on it (don't despair kids, good ones!).

You can now find this blog (and write to me!) here.

This will be the last post on this blog.

See everyone over there!


Monday, January 18, 2010


Hey everyone!

Long time no see, sorry about not updating for a while. I've been; a) incredibly lazy when it comes to blogging and b) intensely busy. ごめん!

A lot has gone down, so I am going to try to fill you in on the details. Please feel free to ask any questions by commenting below (in fact, I encourage it!)

Alright, here we go.

First off, the big news. Are you ready?
I'm going to Japan in June this year (2010) and will be staying there for 2-3 months! Very exciting times for me.
As of yet, I don't know where I'm going to be exactly. I should know in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

So what am I up to right now?

I'm using the AJATT method for learning Japanese. It's premise is becoming Japanese rather than studying in the traditional classroom setting.
I immerse myself in a Japanese environment between 18- 24 hours a day, spending around 1 1/2- 2 hours a day drilling myself on sentences.
Basically, I have really full days! (Haha)
Linguistic acquisition is a huge interest of mine, so if you want to chat more about this, let me know.

I'm currently offering music lessons to get some change for my trip, but of course I will ultimately need to rely on God for support.

It's hard to believe that my dream is so close to becoming reality, in fact I'm still a little dazed. This will be my first time to fly overseas, so I am a little anxious but more excited than anything.

I will post an update sometime in the next few weeks!

Thanks so much for every one's support through kind words, actions and prayer!
